Changing the way healthcare is done for CID’s.
Avenna Ltd is an Oxford, UK based, healthtech company which develops precision medicine solutions to address preventable sickness and premature death from inflammatory diseases (IDs). Our mission is to enable a personalised preventative healthcare approach to inflammatory diseases (IDs). Our focus is on the development and commercial exploitation of technologies which allow for early detection, prevention, and treatment personalisation for IDs. Our first technology is called GlyHealth, a family of blood diagnostics tests based on glycomics biomarkers. We also currently developing a clinical decision making and support platform for the early detection and treatment personalisation of IDs.
Our Technology:
GlyHealth is our invitro diagnostic (IVD) platform technology to measure prodromal signals in body fluids, which are biomolecular patterns occurring in advance of disease symptoms. GlyHealth is a group of blood glycomic biomarkers to reliably measure and track chronic inflammation trajectory, even at early disease stages. This is to predict future inflammatory disease course and inform treatment selections. These precision medicine tests can be utilised by clinicians and biopharma companies focused on development of anti-inflammatory therapies for chronic diseases and vaccines for acute inflammatory diseases.
Our products/development pipeline:
The four lead GlyHealth variants in development are GlyHealth-Index, a multi dimensional marker of chronic inflammatory processes, GlyHealth-IBD, which measures for disease outcome for new inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients, GlyHealth-RA which measures for disease outcome for rheumatoid arthritis, and GlyHealth-COVID for identifying individuals likely to suffer poor outcomes from Covid-19.