Delivering £1m innovation scale-up for UK SME battery developers

SME battery developers will share circa £1m through three projects to support research and development for the scale-up of battery technologies in the UK.
Successful projects will enable complete cell development to proving electrode manufacturing with novel materials at scale.
Three UK battery developers have been awarded £1 million in funding to support their scale-up journey from technological potential towards commercial capability.
The three project winners were announced at the Battery Cells and Systems Expo, at the National Exihibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham, they are:
- Addionics
- AMTE Power
- Nyobolt
The small and medium sized enterprise (SME) battery developers were awarded the £1 million funding through the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funded Faraday Battery Challenge (FBC).
FBC is a £541 million investment programme which supports world-class scientific technology development and manufacturing scale-up capability for batteries in the UK.
Find out more here.