Read Truston Tap’s experience of pitching at Venturefest South

At the inaugural Venturefest South in March 2017, Truston Tap were one of 18 start-ups showcasing their services and products in high-level pitches, for a cumulative funding ask of £26 million.
TrustonTap is reinventing homecare and supporting older people to stay at home independently, with all the services they need on tap. The business has created a disruptive marketplace platform that connects older people & their families directly with carers, avoiding the need for a care agency.
As a result of this, Truston Tap has helped to improve quality and reduce cost for people requiring social care. The platform is fully functional and the number of carers and customers is growing weekly.
The platform creates savings for older people who have to pay for their care. By using the latest technology Truston Tap can ensure that their service is delivered at a lower cost than traditional agencies whilst also making sure that our handpicked team of trusted assistants are paid at a good rate for the brilliant work they do.
The unique care model ensures that the handpicked team of carers keep c.80% of their client’s fee vs c.40% via a traditional care agency. They are better motivated and able to deliver better quality, more consistent care and support to clients. Older customers pay 20-30% less (saving over £1000/ year) and self-employed TapTeam assistants earn 25%-35% more than those using the traditional agency model. This creates a win-win for those that need care and those that provide care.
Will Cotton, Managing Director, Truston Tap:
“TrustonTap pitched at Venturefest South 2017, seeking investment to grow our innovative care business. After the main pitch event, we were approached by several investors and found ourselves overfunded for our investment round. The structure of the event worked well for us and we were impressed by the strength of the businesses pitching for investment as well as the quality of the investors attending. I would strongly recommend it to both entrepreneurs and investors in the region.”
To benefit like Truston Tap, get your tickets for #VFS18 now