#VFS20 Event Highlights

#VFS20 Event Highlights
Venturefest South’s annual showcase, #VFS20 Festival of Innovation is just around the corner and already has a jam-packed schedule. The showcase will be a place for the brightest minds and big thinkers to share experiences, insights and knowledge.
Innovation Talks
This year we will be debating, exploring and sharing ideas on some of the the biggest themes affecting and driving innovation, entrepreneurship and business growth. Curated by partners of Venturefest South, the ’Innovation Talks’ stage – sponsored by Catax will host three sessions throughout the day.
Session one – Creative industries driving innovation across the south.
An exploration of how the souths creative industries work with our investors to create new opportunity and drive innovation. Hosted by Sarah Duckering, in this session we will hear from a selection of hand-picked speakers that will share their experiences, opportunities and advice on the matter. The session will end with a Q&A where you can ask any questions you have and share your own ideas on the subject.
Session two – The changing face of innovation funding.
Hosted by James Ford, this expansive session will explore stories from the front line of innovation, giving delegates a unique insight into how to fund, scale and support their ideas to turn them into a business. A range of speakers will cover a variety of current funding trends. The session is a must for anyone interested in investing in new ideas as well as people looking to fund their innovation.
Session three – Sustainability, the biggest innovation opportunity in 100 years.
There is no doubt that sustainability and the environment is front of mind across the world. But, how do we turn a threat into an opportunity? Our host Timo Peach, Creative Director at Momo:zo, will take delegates on a journey into the subject framing real-life opportunity, case studies and challenging your perception of sustainability. This big impact topic will inspire innovators and entrepreneurs to think pragmatically on the value of focusing your creativity and capability in the worlds biggest challenges.
Workshops at #VFS20
Make the most of your time at #VSF20 Festival of Innovation, leave inspired and tooled up to take your innovation, business and ideas forward after one of this year’s workshops. These sessions have been hand-picked to tackle some big challenges to investors and deliver real ongoing value. Best of all, they are included with your ticket!
You can turn up on the day if you like but once they’re full, they’re full, to make sure you get a spot, contact the organiser and they will save you space.
- Design and Protect your product to maximise sales: A workshop for inventors and innovators with Stefan Knox from Bang Creations. E: stefan@bangcreations.co.uk
- Embracing disruption, making products more impactful, remaining flexible and adapting quickly to change with Dominic Port & Lukasz Liebersbach from Wolf Club Digital. E: dominic@wolfcubdigital.co.uk
- Helping companies to integrate space data and technology into commercial services with Tom Greenwood from Portsmouth University. E: Tom.Greenwood@port.ac.uk
Watch this space for more information coming soon.